Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

The great great wonderfull amazing july ...!!!

Diposting oleh chewonnie di 22.01
Its first day of july!!!
Yee, finally my lucky month has come....
Np?? Krna che pling suka bulan juli and then.. My beloved birthday on this month, hehe yuu ah count down mpe jam 12 mlem tgal 9 juli... Hehehe,
boo.. 20thun!! Tinggal mghitung hari mnuju usia 20, huwahuwa..
Uda gkbsa main2 lg nii,
its time to more grown up che..
Aah.. Che ttu thun ni mnta dbliin laptop baru ma ipod k papa dn mnta bkinin lasagna k mama..
Tp ngeliat kondisi skrng,
aplg ade che mw msuk SMP..
Jd ya.. D cancel dde, tak aplaa yng pnting ktika usia 20 tertapaki (ciiee.. Lebaay),
che bisa lebih lebih dn lebih baik lgi dr umur 19 che..,

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